Minggu, 06 April 2014

Am I?

"Are you moving on or not?"

"This is not about moving or not moving, for God's sake! Did you ever hear my story about what happened in my life lately? When you sacrificed so much to someone, you expected they will do the same for you. I moved on. I let him go, if this is the answer you wanted to hear.. but, I just need a big explanation why he couldn't love me the way I loved him. And, I just knew, the answer he gave to people, it's not true. Am I guilty for this kind of feeling?"

The future is now

Ok, this would be my first post after I graduated from high school that not-so-much-about-love kinda thing *hooraaaay*

Hal pertama yang akan gue bilang adalah college life sama high school itu completely different. Like... completely. Semuanya beda dan baru, menurut gue. Apalagi gue kuliah di Malang, and there's a lot of things I need to getting used to in such a short period of time. Ya, lo tinggal di kota orang dgn culture yg lumayan beda sama Jakarta, what the fudge did you expect, right? Tapi kalo dibilang susah banget sih enggak.. cuma ya gitu... Jadi, kalo ada yg nanya sm gue, "Malang gimana, kak? Asik?" OFKORZZZZ!!! Lo tinggal on your own, pasti asiklah. Gue merasa beruntung banget bisa dapet pengalaman kayak gini.

Sebenernya, ada yg lebih susah dari merantau, yaitu: menjaga hubungan dengan teman-teman SMA kita. Yup, guys, I've been struggling with this kind of problem lately. Menurut gue, temen itu ada 2 jenis: 1) Temen DARI sma. 2) Temen sma. If you know what I mean. Lo gak bisa expect bakal tetap punya hubungan yg baik sama mereka, no matter how close you are with them back then. Because, people change. You can wish they wouldn't all they long, but that can never works. Tapi, gue gak bilang lo gak bakal bisa ya punya hubungan baik sama mereka ya. Tapi, yang jelas, kalo lo merasa they changing and leaving you, you can't drag them to be whatever YOU want them to. Mereka punya kehidupan lain sekarang, face it. Yup, hidup kadang selucu itu.

Semua orang pasti berubah ketika mereka memasuki sebuah fase baru di hidup mereka. Sesuai dengan prinsip humanisme: Manusia tidak pernah diam melainkan terus bergerak menjadi sesuatu yang berbeda dari sebelumnya.

Your friends are growing, developing, changing, and if you aren't, that is something you need to worry about.

Dan, bukan berarti gue tidak mau membina hubungan yang baik dengan temen lama gue. But... sometimes.. you just don't have something to talk about anymore. Yup, hidup kadang selucu itu.

Oh ya, make new friend is one other thing. You can't expect that everybody is your friend. Dunia perkuliahan sangat individual dan "temen makan temen" emang lagi hits banget akhir-akhir ini. Don't get me wrong, but, nobody ever does something to be nice. They always want to get something out of it. Damn, that's a good words *self high-five*

One more tips!! Ketika lo sampai di dunia perkuliahan, jangan sampe terbawa arus. Karena, emang udah bukan zamannya lagi. You know what I mean? Ketika lo udah menginjak 18 tahun harusnya lo udah menemukan jati diri lo. You must set a limit to yourself. You're almost an adult now, dan lo harus bisa mengontrol your raging teen hormones, for God's sake. Lo harus bisa punya jalan sendiri. Karena, sekali lagi, temen gak akan selamanya jadi temen. Stand up for yourself. Be the influence.

Good luck :)