Jumat, 19 Juli 2013

get it?

Hi. Time flies so fast lately, don't you think?
I'm not the type of person who will say this right to you, So I wrote you this long post and you should know, after all this time, I still put your name in my pray, and I still miss you like I missed you yesterday, and I still want you like I wanted you yesterday, and I still need you more than anything in my life. So, stop saying, you wouldn't let me do this, because I will with or without your permission:) I'm lil bit stubborn. I think you have know it:p

I'm graduated now. And, I will leave the city where we grown up, very soon.
But, you're not. So, I guess we will not see each other for awhile. I guess, this situation doesn't bother you at all... But, I can't stand it. I will miss you so much.

It's your time now, to shine, to prove everyone you can do this. I know, you little bit not sure with yourself.... But, like you always said, "never give up on your dreams", don't give up. Because, I don't give up. And, I will never give up. Especially, on you. So, don't ever give up, ok?

If one day, you lose your hope or passion, and you feels like no one support you. I will.
I will support you like I always do. I will stand in the crowd watching you like I always do.
Just don't lose hope. Because, I never lose hope on you.
If one day, you feels like you're a loser. You are not. Because, somehow, you win me. I know I'm not the prize you always wanted but... at least, I showed you, you're not losing anything, and I know you will win anything or anyone that better than me:)

Maybe this post is sounds cheesy or pathetic because I can't say it to you, but it doesn't mean I won't. I will someday:) But, not now, not in this kind of situation...

I love you.

Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

I want you to eat pizza with me

I want you to eat pizza with me.
Cuddling up in the middle of the night
Watch our favorite movie.

I want you to eat pizza with me.
While watching our football club play on TV.
And, every time they score we will celebrate it with kiss.

I want you to eat pizza with me.
With soda can in our hand.
Spending the night with jokes and our pointless conversation.

I want you to love me.
As simple as that.

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

I'm ready

Waktu benar-benar berjalan bak kereta shinkansen kali ini.
Tau-tau, gue mendapati diri gue mulai melompati fase-fase kehidupan.
Mulai dari lahir masih botak, terus masuk TK, masuk SD, kemudian tiba-tiba lulus SMP, dan sejurus kemudian.... Apa? Gue udah masuk Universitas Brawijaya? IYA, GUYS IYA! GUE DITERIMA DI PSIKOLOGI BRAWIJAYA. Sebuah tempat yang gue impi-impikan sejak kelas 12 dulu hehehe. Gak nyangka banget bisa masuk. Bener-bener diluar akal sehat banget. Tapi, pasti Allah punya rencana yang baik buat gue sampai-sampai gue berhasil meraih mimpi gue. Berkah Ramadhan paling indah:-)

Dan, sekarang gue, sedang diam dalam keraguan.
Memang sih Kota Malang gak sejauh London (yekali Ad....)
Masih di Pulau Jawa malah. Tapi, maaan? Gue bakal jadi anak rantau. Meninggalkan sebuah kehidupan di ibukota Negara. Am I ready for this? 

Tapi, diluar itu semua, gue seneng banget bisa bikin keluarga gue bangga. Gue seneng karena bisa nunjukin ke orang-orang yang ngeremehin gue. See? I made it.


I am ready to leave this place
Pack up and just go
I am tired of the memories
The linger around every corner
Of the meaningless routine
That is draining my soul away
I am ready to go,
No goodbyes or explanations
I am ready
to start over.